We Craft minimal viable
Digital products

Helping founders bring their product to life, attract early users, and iterate to product-market fit.

The Process

Built by Founders,
For Founders


Week 1
We dive into your idea, learn about your audience, and create a strategy to bring your idea to life.


Week 2
We craft you a well-suited and positioned brand so that you can build awareness from day one.


Week 3-4
We design every detail to ensure you showcase your idea clearly, providing a great user experience.


Week 5-8
We code from scratch so you learn from each user interaction and iterate to product-market fit.
Our Projects

Ideas we've
to life


Heavy machinery automation platform

GearJoT provides telematics integrations from your mixed fleet into one single platform. With thousands of ready-made app integrations, you can bring it into any online app with our powerful no-code tools.
Why us

Save time, capital,
& effort.


Hot Nerds


How it works

Our simple, fast,
& effective process.

Respond in
Confirm in
Complete in
~ 0


Initial Call

Initial discovery call to learn about your idea and determine if we can help.



Start the project with a deep dive to ensure we have everything we need.



Two feedback calls to showcase our branding, design, & build progress.



Regular async updates to make sure you’re happy with the end result.


2-4 weeks



4-8 weeks



Bring your
Idea to Life

Frequently Asked Questions

How does your process work?
You can start the process by sending us a message or booking an intro call to help us determine if we’re able to support you based on the complexity of your idea. We’ll then create a strategy for bringing your idea to life and present this to you in video format, based on your initial insights. If we’re able to support and you’re happy with the approach then we can officially kick-start the project by securing an initial deposit (25%). Once a deposit has been made we’ll book a discovery call to learn all the little details about your idea and preferences. We’ll then kick start the research process, followed by branding, design, and build, with regular async updates and optional check-in calls to ensure you’re happy with the result. On completion, we’ll send over the final payment link (75%) and transfer all assets to you.
What is a minimum viable product (MVP)?
In the words of entrepreneur and author of The Lean Startup, Eric Reis – “The minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.” A minimum viable product is an essential step to bringing an idea to life, without over investing your time, capital, and attention. An MVP should subsequently help you answer your riskiest assumptions, which are the questions that are holding back the validity of your idea, such as “do people have this problem?”, “is there a demand for a solution?” or “does my solution provide the value I think it does, such as saving my target market time?”. You can then use this data to iterate to product-market fit and subsequently scale the business.
How are you able to maintain the quality?
We focus on one project at a time, meaning you and your idea get our undivided attention, as we believe this generates the best results.
What if I can no longer work on my idea?
The great thing about building a SaaS is that you’re creating a valuable asset. This means that if you decide to stop working on your SaaS, then you can do what we and clients have done by selling the project and recovering the majority of your initial investment, essentially making it almost risk-free. In the past, two of our projects have been sold, one post-revenue for £85k, and the other pre-revenue for £10k.

Get the right help at the right time

We help founders start and scale their businesses and transform big ideas into profitable venture. Find out how we can help you

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